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Sure enough, Zana was quickly scoping out every and any angle there was to be seen or found in the room. Corona watched her, lazily surveying what was there on her own in a half-hearted attempt to help her. She couldn't help but have the passing thought of what it must have been like to be in her shoes; she had been unfortunate to have separated parents who didn't live all that far apart. Even though visits with her mother had far and few in between, she had never stopped loving her. She had never stopped loving her father. Corona doubted that she would, even if all they were happened to be insane and cursed and whatever else she had been told about them. Whatever they had called themselves.

But then Zana's voice had penetrated her thoughts, drawing her gaze away from a fixated point and to the girl as she eyed the painting. “That's a painting,” she said, stating the obvious only to elaborate, “of the creature who probably lived here before we did. They called themselves humans.” She knew an inordinate amount about them too from studying medicine, which had made them all the more intriguing to some regard. It was a wonder to her how they had lasted so long, but then again it was probably a wonder that canines had lasted so long. That they had been afflicted by something that had made them vastly superior to their documented mark-up. “Strange things, they were.”

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