if i cut my hair, hawaii will sink
I'm so sorry that this is so late! X-x Oh, and for some reason I always though your character was named 'Echo' oops.

The coyote shivered as she walked along in the snow, her four black pads making small indents behind her. She was out-of-shape; she really must get back to training. How was she supposed to be a good mate, a good pack-member, or even a good parent if she was weak and useless? Her red eyes glanced up at the sun which was peaking behind the gray snow clouds. Garnet didn’t mind the snow clouds, but it was nice to see the sun up again.

She let out a small puff of breath as she plowed onward, suddenly noticing another set of prints. The coyote creased her brow as she followed them, wondering what Optime wanderer was about. She peaked around some trees and spotted a brown, earth hued male tossing a clump of snow up and down in his hand. The female also noticed a bag sitting not to far from him, a branch sticking out slightly. Garnet coughed softly, as to not startle the male, and walked towards him. ”What are you gathering those for?” She asked after a moment, tilting her head towards the bag.


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