without ever letting go, i knew you'd gone astray.

Ehno had never seen anything like this before. Seeing pictures in books and hearing stories is one thing, actually seeing it right there in front of him was another thing entirely. He peered into the side of the jet, leaning over one of the forgotten boxes to take a look inside. More broken boxes lay in front of him, spilled supplies mixing with scraps of metal and plastic. Darkness gripped the farther corners of the jet, beckoning the curious to venture inside.

He was torn from his inspection by a familiar voice, turning to see someone approach. He immediately smiled when he recognized Geneva, glad to see her after so long. She looked nice, perhaps a little healthier and happier than when they first met. “Hey, Geneva. Long time no see.” It had been quite some time since their initial meeting on the porch of Haven Mansion. And thanks to Ehno’s reawakened wanderlust, he hadn’t really had the chance to talk to her since. He inwardly berated himself for spending so much time away from his pack mates, but on the outside his smile remained.

He was glad that she chose to join him there, coming to a halt beside him. Now that she was right next to him, he was certain that she seemed to be in much better spirits than she was when they had first met. His amber gaze met her vibrant green as she looked toward him, before she smiled and turned toward the jet. His gaze lingered for a moment before her words pulled it to the plane as well.

He nodded at her words, a little surprised to find that she knew what this strange human object was as well. Most Luperci, especially those around this region, didn’t seem too interested in human creations. Those that did usually only cared to scour the old cities for useful trinkets, not bothering to linger on the now-defunct inventions. “Yeah, I’ve seen a few of them in old human books. Amazing to think that they could actually get these huge things to soar in the skies, isn't it?” Though judging by the damage to this one, it was questionable whether they would actually stay up there very long.

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