without ever letting go, i knew you'd gone astray.

Geneva's eyes moved over the still, ravaged form of the airplane's ruins. Parts were crumpled by paper from the crash. Parts rippled like water, creating jagged lines. Despite the stillness, the way the plane laid undisturbed, Geneva couldn't begin to think of this crash site as harmonious. She knew well that the materials the jet had been built from were strong and sturdy, stronger than the bones that held their bodies together. Whatever had happened to this aircraft had had lots of force behind it. She could only imagine the crash, this strangely haunting and majestic structure hurtling through the sky before ploughing into the earth like a lightning bolt or a felled tree.

She smiled Ehno's way, casting a brief glimpse in his direction before the destructive ruins recaptured her attention. She felt slightly spellbound by the sight and couldn't for the life of her explain why. She could faintly see her own reflection in the waste of the airplane and she felt small. "It really is amazing what humans accomplished. I can imagine this thing being in the air - I can even visualize its destruction. But I can't for the life of me figure out how the humans got it to stay up in the air!"

Geneva leaned forward, her small frame casting a shadow as she did. The gray pelted female looked once again at Ehno. She barely knew him, and she wanted to rectify that. She recalled the evening they had spent together on the porch of Haven Mansion, discussing his adventures. What better way to get to know this man than to go on an adventure with him? "Let's go in," she said brightly. Lime green eyes held the light of excitement. If she had seen this crash in the distance on her own, she probably would have investigated around the outside and just left it. But this was an experience she wanted to share with her packmate.


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