when it's coming cats and dogs for days

No problem. ^_^ This is a rather busy month.

Kieran had settled into digging around his shabby box, making a quick note of what colors and supplies he had at his disposal. He set down his small brush on the floor next to the box and grabbed a bucket of paint out of the batch. Opening the lid, he found that it was half-filled with a red paint. He nodded contently and placed the lid on the ground with a slight clatter.

Before he could continue, a scraping sound from the entrance of the cave caught his attention. The male turned his gaze toward the entrance, catching sight of a wolf dragging a tree, of all things, into the cave. He heard the wolf call out a quick greeting, and he replied with one of his own. “Good morning.” He pushed his painting supplies to the side for a moment, deciding to see what his packmate was up to.

He took a few steps across the large cavern, peering curiously at the tree simply to be sure that it was a tree that had been brought in. The dark wolf then looked at the other, noticing that he hadn’t met him before. He gave a quick nod in greeting to the reddish wolf before looking at the roped up tree once more. “Uh… what’s the tree for?” he asked after a moment.


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