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cakeEee. -love-

i have come curiously close to the end.

cakeTal heard Corona coming and watched from the corner of her eye. She wasn't jumpy or nervous because she was in her safe place, and because her aunt was one of the few people she trusted. Trust was an issue for her, a lot of things were issues for her; she dealt with them as best as a young girl's mind could, and took her anger out on the world when she needed to. When her golden aunt spoke, Tal smiled, leaning forward to sit up rather than lay sprawled out as she had been before. Bigger, yeah, what a joke. She wasn't that big even now. She was small. But still, she wished she'd had this size when -- stop. Abruptly, her mind flickered onto other things, and she left that path behind.

cake"Yeah, was all she said in reply to that, grinning faintly to herself as she looked at the rock she sat on. Her eyes drifted to her guitar at Corona's words, and the subject was a better one. She loved her guitar like it was a child. Piano? Bah. "Yeah, I found somethin' better. I take good care of it..." As she spoke she looked back up at her aunt. "I knew a guy once who played a string instrument." She couldn't recall if she had ever told Corona that before. The traveller from the gypsy band was a distant memory, but one of the few fond ones she had of strangers. "How are you?" This part was added suddenly, but then her mind tended to skip around like a broken record. Talitha had respect for Corona and wouldn't have spoken to her like she would have a stranger; therefore her words were more genuine than they might have been otherwise. She had lately begun to miss being a member of Inferni, and wanted to be a part of it again; she wanted to be a part of life again. She knew she was ready for it.


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