all the world is waiting
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That would be pretty epic. They'd still need a singer, though XD


Couldn't sing either? Talitha mirthfully stuck her tongue out at her brother as he finished speaking. He'd said it just to piss her off; it was too bad she was so easy. Moving the guitar aside, she placed it gently on the ground next to her, looking back at him as he continued. "Just a piano, but that's boring, you don't wanna do that. You should play bass or the drums or something." The last part she spoke with a grin, as what he had said sunk in: a get-up, like a group or something? Now there was an idea. "But I know a few places in Halifax where I get my strings, there's a bunch of stuff there, we could find somethin' for you." It was just a question of when he wanted to go, and whether he'd actually bother to learn.


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