i got nobody on my side
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end! :]


Tal grinned as Zana mentioned the cute-puppy factor; smart, to have picked up on that. It was probably hard not to notice, though. It made the hybrid girl wonder if anyone had fawned over her when she had been a child; more than likely, but Talitha didn’t remember much of her childhood. Late August and everything before, she had blocked from her memory as best as she could.

”It won’t be big,” she answered, peering down at the child with a smile as she padded off towards the house. Vaguely she wondered why Zana didn’t want a big fire, like most kids probably would, but it was likely just another mystery she’d have to deal with. She barely noticed at the time, as she walked with the child alongside her, but Zana was growing on her; she liked the girl, and wouldn’t mind having her hanging around Inferni. It was always good to have family around, as long as they weren’t murderous psychopaths like some Lykois here and there had been.


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