i can feel a pull from the outside world
The little girl had lost her way along the edge of the new lands and had somehow ended up in the vast stretch of sands known as the Wastes. She had scurried from small closer to another hiding place as she kept her ears open for strangers and her eyes wide. Fear seemed to have taken over as she tried to make her way along the shore, knowing that sooner or later she'd find her way back to the beaches she actually knew. The girl should have just found a den to curl up in til morning but her heart raced and every sound was something out to get her. There was no way she would have been able to sleep tonight.

Her little paws made tiny sounds across the ground as she found another patch of rough sea grass to crouch behind and watch the shadow that seemed to be watching her. The monster in the shadows was so much larger than her and yet all she could smell was the scent of another like her. She pinned her little ears back and stepped out of the shadows as her misty lilac eyes seemed to glow in the moonlight as she took one step infront of the other towards this creature of the night.

She swollowed hard as her little feet quaked and yet winthin moment she was almost standing before him, the moonlight pouring over the both of them as she quietly whispered. "Are yous my shadow?" She flicked her ears forward a moment, unsure as she continued on. "You looks like you could be.." she squeaked. The girl had finally found the real monster in her life and yet all she saw was a warped image of herself all grown up. Was this what shadows really looked like. She wondered to herself as she stared bravely at the man who was her father and yet nothing but a ghost just the same.

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