i can feel a pull from the outside world
Those round lavender orbs stared up at the creature unblinking as his voice met her ears. She smiled feebly as he repeated what she'd said as though he was unsure of the words. She just watched him, examining the male that was so strangely like her and yet so different. She took a step forward as he asked those silly questions that everyone threw at her all the time, the smile still present as she shook her head slowly. "The monster is far away, I'm ok." She lowered her gaze as she stared down at Samael's feet, her eyes shining with excitement as she began to forget that he was a stranger and thus beware of him.

"Your paws look like mine.." she said as she placed her tiny paw in a print that he'd made just moments before, her eyes glancing up to him as she smiled more assuringly. "Who are you?" she asked, though it seemed slowly somewhere in her mind she was finding answers she just couldn't unlock them yet. There was something about the stranger that just facinated her beyond belief and she wasn't going to back down just yet, even if he was in his own eyes a monster. She'd seen monsters before and she didn't think he was one, yet.

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