it's a beautiful night to die, baby.
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Onus knew nothing of the Bible. He didn't believe in any god. Justice was his religion. Cold hard facts and reason. Religion had no place in a mind such as his. That was one thing about the humans he never understood. Why make witnesses swear on the Bible to tell the truth? What if they didn't believe in God? What if they just didn't give a damn. It wasn't as if this supposedly omnipotent being struck down those that lied under such an "oath". Pointless really. They may have been trying to do the best they could, but too many had escaped the law's reach. Too many got away. Not with him.

A claw slashed a gash on the back of his wrist as he threw the demonic creature off of him. Immediately he rolled back to his feet and stood up. Silently he watched as the coyote regained his footing and balance. Blood dripped from the fingertips of his cut arm. The man didn't feel it though. He paid it no mind. He stood his ground as the other charged him again. Right before they would collide again he sidestepped and aimed to throw his elbow right between the canine's shoulder blades, putting a great deal of his weight behind it.


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