I will remember you,
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v90/c ... 10v2ly.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

Cercelee stayed crouched beside the porch, out of sight but not out of ear shot. This was probably not the welcome home Alexey had expected, Firefly rarely gave anyone what they expected, but Firefly too had probably not been expecting to see Alexey today. One did not wake up and think “today is the day so and so will come back into my life” and Cercelee understood that when one did come back into another’s life it often provided a shock. It was once the shock was over that either positive or negative emotions would take hold and direct the course of events. In Firefly’s case it was pain.

Firefly’s retort to Alexey’s words was almost a pathetic child’s plea, clearly upset that the lady had left and even more upset with the prospect of her leaving once again. Cercelee almost rose to her feet, she could defuse the situation by her mere presence, taking control of the conversation if need be, but instead she stay still as a statue. Perhaps neither of the females would be pleased with their Rosea listening in like some sort of voyeur, and now Cercelee felt as dirty as one. She’d have to blow her cover soon or not at all, but she waited to hear Alexey’s voice again.


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