First Day of My Life
Bwahahah she is going to chain him down!

The pounding heart of the female nearly leapt out of her chest at his response. He would stay, he wasn’t angry with her any longer, she wasn’t angry with him any longer... yet their meeting still did not feel normal. They were still dancing around one another, pathetically trying to avoid stepping on the other’s toes. "Of course I don’t mind." Cercelee moved toward the open door, the snow still blowing in, and nudge it closed with her snout. The movement had brought her closer to Slay and she quickly moved back to her original position, averting her eyes for a moment, shy again at the lack of space between them.

Cercelee unconsciously let her ears fall flat against her skull as the male begin to speak, his nervousness made her nervous. Maybe she didn’t want to hear the question, maybe it would upset her. Yet the question came anyway and Cercelee had no idea how to answer it. The question Slay provided her with was as good as admitting he had been jealous, which pleased her. He was referring to Ril’o though, that had been the name through about in their argument, and she knew it. Did she like Ril’o? He was a pleasant wolf, she counted him among her friends, but he hadn’t sparked that sort of interest in her, not really.

"I don’t know." The words came out pleading, as if to ask him not to make her answer. Maybe if she allowed herself enough time around Ril’o she would develop those feelings, but part of her had always wondered so about Slay. Part of her knew it about Slay. Yet he was her friend, best friend in fact, and she couldn’t jeopardize losing that over some silly crush. Cercelee wasn’t ready to tell him that, admit it out loud, whether it would inflate his ego or scare him off. "What about you?" Maybe he would want to tell her either, she hadn’t been fair, she hadn’t told him. Without waiting for his reply more words blurted out of mouth, her eyes widening once she had finished and realized what she asked him. "Slay, what if you stay here with me... I don’t mean for a while, I mean always."


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