seeing myself this way, I am a monster I believe
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A ghost in the system, and angel on the stairs.
     Tayui watched her sister as she cut into the animal's flesh. Tayui paused for a moment, reflecting on the romanticism of the situation; two sisters, long separated and previously at odds, now working together to create a new life. Perhaps the skinning of the animal was symbolic; the act of shedding their skin and revealing who they truly were. Or perhaps it was simply removing the excess that no longer had any place in their lives. But they were just skinning an animal. There was no deeper meaning to the action. The true meaning was not in the present, but in the past. Tayui was glad she could rely on her sister to bring them meat. She was glad she had family to rely on. To love and cherish. To know. And feel. Aurèle existed. She was alive. Tayui's heart sang. She smiled. She was such a sop.

     “But they were... alive last you saw?” Tayui was about to go on, but paused. Selfish. “What was it... like for you? After the fire?” Altruistic? No. Still selfish. But perhaps she could try to be more benevolent. Was that the right word? No. She had always cared for her sister, but she felt as though asking these questions was too much. Too much for her. But she did not wish to wait for her sister to tell her. She had waited. She had not seen Aurèle in years. Tayui was selfish.


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