seeing myself this way, I am a monster I believe

     The question spurred something, something that made Aurèle’s hands betray her and tighten suddenly, curling into fists. She dropped them into the snow and found she could not meet her sister’s eyes. “They were alive,” she said flatly. As alive as anyone could be, given all that had happened.
     Aurèle’s eyes turned up suddenly, remarkably hostile. “Things were rough. Like I said, I left not long after you.” She had spent four years chasing a ghost, chasing whoever she could find to be responsible. She had slept little and been haunted at night, woken screaming, woken in places she did not remember. She had been tormented by her memories and sought escape in all addictive vices; in drugs, in drink, in sex and love. None had served her and so she abandoned them, sick at heart.
     The nights had been cold. Even now, the nights were cold.


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