seeing myself this way, I am a monster I believe
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A ghost in the system, and angel on the stairs.
     At least they were alive. She wanted to say it, but... she couldn't. Yet, again, these thoughts returned to her, unbidden, invading her mind; at leas they were alive for a few more days. Maybe that translated into weeks or months or years. Or nothing. But she had to have hope. The chances they had survived were as great as the chances they had perished. It was possible; all she needed was a possibility.

     But something in the way Aurèle said it made her wonder if that was impossible. Her sister's eyes sought her out, angry. Tayui had not seen that for years. But she had only met up with her sister once again. She did not know. Nothing. Anything. It was impossible.

     Tayui frowned as she watched her sisters' eyes change; but for some reason, she could not bring herself to tear her eyes away. She had nowhere else to look and nothing to say. Nothing to say to Aurèle, at least. She had so much to tell no one. She just needed a void to talk to. “I hope they found peace,” she replied, knowing nothing she said would satisfy the green-eyed female. It was never enough and Tayui had given up trying.


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