seeing myself this way, I am a monster I believe
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     Sounds good!
A ghost in the system, and angel on the stairs.
     Tayui tilted her head in reply, examining her sister for a moment. She listened quietly as Aurèle spoke, this time bringing with her something she had been lacking before. Was it hope? No, Aurèle was too much of a pessimist for that. Or perhaps she was just a realist, which might have turned her into a pessimist. Tayui didn't know. But there was something in Aurèle's words that were different; in a good way. Tayui smiled, letting her gaze settle softly on her sister's fine features. Her fine white fur, her blazing eyes. Her strength. Tayui had always thought Aurèle was the strongest one. Out of all of them.

     “I never thought of that, but you're right. I couldn't even imagine seeing everyone else. It's wonderful that you're here, too. I never thought this would happen. It's like everything is beautiful again,” Tayui noted. She was already smiling, but somehow, her smile softened. Her eyes softened. It was as if, for a moment, Tayui had allowed herself to believe her siblings were still alive after all.


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