like a leaf clings to a tree
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OOC: 400+

Cer. Very well. It amused him again, like it had with Bane, that someone in a position of power would so easily discard the level of respect he'd grown up with. It almost came close to adoration, not that he could ever say something like that. For a fact, he knew that Dawn Valley had been considered a backward pack by most of the wolves he'd met in his travels. He doubted that such conservative takes on how packs should be run would hold well with Cercelee. Had he not promised himself to stop dwelling in the past so much and simply accept things as they were? He had found hope and purpose here, he did not know how things would turn out, but for the most part he was happy. He was in love with a beautiful female who grounded him. Nothing else really mattered. Now it seemed as though Cercelee herself was extending the proverbial olive branch. Cer it is, then.

He had not considered the full implications of the job, it seemed. Now though, with the offer before him, Lubomir thought about it. Inferni. Of course. Why did it not surprise him? He knew them well enough. Their leader had nearly killed him. It had been half deserved, of course, for all he had refused to accept it at the time. He wondered if he could speak with Gabriel now, or if his life would be in danger once more. Either way he would have to be honest with Cercelee and explain things as they were. I know Inferni. I accidentally stumbled upon their lands and their leader attacked me. I realise it was not without reason, though at the time I certainly did not think so. I know what happened to Mew and why the war started. Lubomir shook his head. I never want to endanger our pack. I would gladly accept the challenge of keeping this fragile peace with the coyotes. As for working with you, who wouldn't? If you'll allow me to say so, I doubt you are a difficult woman, Cercelee. You seem to keep a cool judgement.

There. Honesty. He'd said it all. Once this ambassador business was out of the way, he would mention Mew. The very thought made his stomach flutter with butterflies but for now he could not let such emotions show. These were matters that affected the entire pack, not just him and his... mate. How sweet that word still felt to say. Mate. He could say it all day. Wagging his tail slightly, Lubomir waited for his Rosea's response.


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