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DaVinci caught sight of the snowy wolf as he moved on the ice though DaVinci himself was standing on the same surface he stood there quietly and waited for the other. He could have relaxed a bit and joined the male on the cold surface sliding across the lake but he didn't. When Pendzez stopped short of where DaVinci stood he nodded quietly to the male and returned his greeting. "Hello Pendzez. I haven't seen you around lately.." he said firmly. DaVinci took notice of who was working within the packlands, who was patroling the borders and who.. just seemed to have disappeared into the woodwork.

DaVinci had noticed that Pendzez hadn't show up for any chore duties and his scent hadn't been strong along the borders. Though he didn't push the rest of the pack into work in this weather he did like to see them socializing and belong to the pack. He had no clue what the younger male had been up to lately and was rather curious.

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