Dreaming up a memory
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"You’re fine," the female replied politely with a smile. Her wish was not to make this golden hued male uncomfortable. To the contrary, she wanted to know how this male functioned normally. She wanted to know what type of character this male actually was. Whether or not he joined her ranks as a Warrior did not matter. This Ril’o was a part of her pack, and she wished to understand him. It was like an army. She always thought that they would only be as good as their weakest soldier, and it was the same when packs were concerned. Packs were only as strong and as unified as their weakest member would allow, whether they were mentally or physically the runt. However, such drastic thinking was not necessary here. This was simply a candid meeting with a member, and so the black female was merely observing. At times, the female could be rather intense, but it was merely her lack of social experience that she had received in her early years. "Nice to meet you, Ril’o," she greeted. Now that she knew his name, it was as if she were meeting him anew.

"You may," the female responded with a slight nod, giving him permission to drop formalities. And yet, the formality of her alto voice did not drop. But the female always liked to hold an appropriate register when around others, even pups. It was her way of letting them know that she respected them. It was perhaps a strange way of expressing such respect, but Cwmfen was not necessarily an ordinary animal.

Lierre. So he was due for a co-rank now, if he chose to. And he expressed to her that he did wish for it, that he had at least considered it. She wondered which one she thought he would choose, or which one he thought that he would be best suited to accept. The woad warrior was silent, as if expecting him to continue with his thoughts. But after a few moments had passed, it seemed that there was nothing more that the male was going to say. The white orbs, which had, once again, been observing the quieted world, turned to the golden hued male. She met his green gaze, untroubled by the act as she was his superior. There was a light smile upon her maw as if she were amused. But she was not unkind. To the contrary, she merely seemed to be enjoying herself. "Did you have anything particular in mind?" The woad marked female paused only briefly before she continued. "There are warriors, scouts, hunters, psychologists, and priests. And if you wanted something else, you might be able to request it from Cercelee. Dahlia is a very accommodating pack, as I’m sure you’ve learned." A light smile danced upon her maw just as the mirth flickered in her white eyes.

"Now that Dahlia has grown, and because there are pups due, I’m sure Hunters will be needed." The alto voice was quiet and thoughtful almost as if she spoke to herself.


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