Got so much salt from your lies
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Private, Halifax 300+

AvsnittThe day was sour. Wave after wave with heavy rain mixed with snow were cast about with violence, though the power of the upset weather was not enough to be called a storm (Only very shitty weather). It was not an issue though, because he was inside the old shopping centre. Only the harsh sound of rain colliding with transparent glass here and there, else from that; Nothing. His movements were slow, announcing that he had all the time in the world. There was nothing special on his shopping list, although he would surely go over some canned food in one of the grocery stores to see if there was anything edible for him and the snot (Svara, the puppy living in his cottage) for later.

AvsnittFor now though, he slowly approached the jewellery store where his one night stand with Tayui Aston had taken place. As the cream and chocolate male let a finger trace a dusty glass shelf, he could not help but wonder if there were more bastard children running about in these lands. The white lady with the skunk stripe had disappeared, but there could still be some twisted fruit from their love making. Probably not, and if it unfortunately was so, then it was hers problem, and not his. Haku would refuse to take any responsibility for any offspring. He had turned a female down before, and he could do it again.

AvsnittTheir scents, her scent, were long gone, and there was nothing for him there. He exited the little store and headed into another, this one stuffed with toys. How cute. He threw himself down into a soft sacco chair and picked up a human doll from the ground, eyeing it with distaste. The Lilium then started to pick on the unmoving eye of the doll, determined to remove both just to waste some time. He forced a claw into the eye socket of the doll and wriggled his claw slightly in a pressuring angle, and was awarded with a pop and the sound of the eye hitting the ground and rolling away. A second pop sounded less than fifteen seconds later, joining the first eye on its run towards one of the dark corners of the shop.


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