Forgiveness is not for sale;

Set the day before birthing thread. Big Grin

The Koios family reunion hadn’t gone very smoothly. Alexey was well aware that she had started it, even if it was completely unlike her to do so. She had always been the type to take the blame for everything, the kind of person that would always attempt to fix everyone’s problems whilst overlooking her own. If she acted out of character lately, it was because all of the unresolved problems kept bottled up inside of her were finally resurfacing. Lexey didn’t like the monster she had turned into, and she already regretted the spiteful words she had so recklessly thrown at her siblings. Would they ever forgive her?

Closing her eyes, the tawny girl took a deep breath. Her mind gradually drifted off to a better a place, memories of Alexey and her two siblings playing together as puppies materializing in the back of her mind. Everything had been so simple back then. The Bluet envied those days, silently wishing she could travel back in time. Her thoughts eventually drifted to Firefly, wondering if she’d ever be capable of forgiveness too. Alexey wanted to be there for her, like she had always been there in the past. She had damaged so many friendships within the last few days. Alexey could only hope that it wasn’t too late to salvage them.


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