Forgiveness is not for sale;
The Sadira woman had been sitting outside her cottage on the little porch watching the snow as it randomly kept changing to slush and back to snow. The weather was awful and the woman had had plans to go on a patrol but as much as she wanted to get out of the house and explore their lands she was not willing to subject herself to the horrid weather she was watching falling right before her eyes. Her thoughts were moving back and forth between a million different things, from the newest pack members to the puppies that barely moved at all anymore. She wasn't for certain if it was her own emotions or if it was just random thoughts that mothers to be seemed to go through. She just flicked her ears back against her head and sighed.

Firefly's head lifted slowly as she caught a spark of gold moving through the horrible weather. She frowned as she moved to the edge of her porch to see just who was foolish enough to be out in the weather, when she began to recognize the form Firefly just shook her head and sighed. "Alexey, what are you doing.." she called softly out to the woman who seemed to be in her own little world, much like Firefly always was as of lately.

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