Forgiveness is not for sale;

Alexey’s eyes shot open as a familiar voice pulled her out of her daydreaming session. For a moment, she wondered just how long Firefly had been standing on that porch. The Bluet hadn’t noticed anyone standing there and probably would’ve just walked by if the Acer hadn’t said anything. Realizing that she wasn’t the only one in the area, Lexey finally turned towards her interlocutor. Topaz-colored eyes aligned with Firefly’s emerald orbs, examining them carefully for any signs of remaining anger from their last encounter. Alexey thought she could perceive a hint of exasperation, but that seemed a personality trait of hers.

“What are you doing?” seemed like an easy enough question to answer but no matter how hard she thought about it, Lexey couldn’t come up with a response that made any sense. She suddenly felt like a child who had been caught doing something wrong. “Nothing,” she offered, unsure of herself. Shrugging nonchalantly, she climbed onto the porch and took a seat beside the mom-to-be. She’d been too lost in her own thoughts to pay attention to the weather. It was pretty bad, now that she focused her attention on the mixture of snow and rain falling from the sky.

“So, uh, did you think of any names for the pups yet?”


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