Forgiveness is not for sale;
Firefly watched as that small grin spread over the maw of one of the few she might actually be able to call a friend. She nodded to herself as she let Alexey off with the simple admittance that she'd granted the golden bronze woman before moving back to the conversation that seemed a little bit sour to the Acer. When finally she spoke up Firefly just sat there worrying at her lower lip, she hadn't even liked the child at the time, who now was more like a shadow that anything, but she knew Alexey was right. She lowered her gaze as she admitted. "I thought I didn't want them when I realized I was pregnant.." She didn't know why she was adnitting such nonsense to Alexey. Firefly was probably the only wolf in the world who would have killed her own children to make certain that she achieved all her goals before letting real life attempt to tear her world apart, oddly enough she found out too late she was wrong.

She flicked her emerald eyes over to Alexey as she chuckled sadly. "Yeah, they'll probably come out ready to take over the world.." She could almost see it to. There was something about the Sadira gene that just seemed to make one powerful, even if the bloodowner themselves didn't realize it. She shook her head and sighed as she watched the rain etch back into heavy snow once more as she spoke quietly. "Haku won't change, he'll just deal with the problem when it rears it's face.." The rest of the pack could believe what they wanted of father's and their children but Firefly knew the truth of her mate, she'd watched as he'd grudgedly let Svara into his home and now the male was stuck with the kid. He adapted his life around the problem, he didn't have to like it but he worked with it.

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