Forgiveness is not for sale;
Firefly's ears plastered against her head at the words that Alexey gave her, her emerald orbs turning to glance at the Koios lady as she granted her a sour look. She shook her head at the golden woman and scuffed. "I need to stop thinking so much? Look at you girl.." she shook her head and smirked. "Your whole damn family joined this pack to be with you and for some reason you didn't seem so thrilled about it." She narrowed her orbs as she asked. "What the hell's your problem.." she grinned, knowing that she'd get under the other's skin sooner or later, they'd talked enough about Firefly, now it was Alexey's turn.

When the comments on her and Haku's relationship struck Firefly couldn't help but bare her fangs though she knew she was defeated. There wasn't anything she could really say to explain it to the woman to where she'd actually understand what she meant. "Do you honestly think there's someone who could keep up with me Alexey?" she said dryly. The golden woman wouldn't understand that the fire that burned between the two Sadiras was nothing that any other male had ever been able to give Firefly, though it wasn't like Haku would even let another male try and give her the fire and passion she craved. She wondered if it was fear that someone else out there could give her everything she needed or if it merely had to do with the fact that she was his in some manly claim.

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