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Sankor hammed up the act as much as he could, it was hard enough to keep serious but when Geneva began her circling and acts of concern he have even more drama to the show as he moaned on, "I might not even be able to make it home.." he whined as he gave a overwhelming sigh and looked gravely to the wounded leg that was dangling above him. "Whatever will my deputy think if I don't returnnnn.. He waved the paw slightly and gave a grimace as he could feel the laughter attempting to rumble in his chest.

When the form of the greyscale woman peered down at him and spoke up he turned those warm chocolate eyes to her as he realized that dangerous look in her eyes perhaps a little too late. Suddenly he was ambushed by the outlaw as he let out a snort of laughter and gasped. "Hey! No! Not fair!" he whined as he tried to roll back onto his feet, but was held off by the nips as he laughed and batted at her with his forepaws. "Trickery! No good outlaws always up to something!" he sputtered as his own tail thumped against the ground, clearly showing that the battle was all in good humor atleast.

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