Just waiting for the ice to melt

Out of Character

And my last as well! <333333 I love Slay. XD

In Character

The black girl smiled warmly as her new friend wistfully agreed with her. So much had happened since Cer's return and Kol's departure, and the Stormbringer was gladdened beyond belief that most of the changes had been good. As the male stated his necessary departure from their pleasant company, the ebony Dahlian dipped her head in a soft goodbye. "Can't have Cercelee chasing me off so soon after I've come back! Take good care of her Slay, and I must say the pleasure hasn't been all yours. I've enjoyed your company very much, and you can be sure I'll come by to visit again. See you around handsome!"

She grinned mischievously as she turned on her heels, setting her small paws back in the direction of her little house by the graveyard. Her heart was overjoyed for the white Rosea; she'd snagged a very good fish amongst all the driftwood of the sea.

Table by Fishie!


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