she wants to see, galaxies

Do you wanna wrap up soon? Oh, and by the way, you write very beautifully. Big Grin

Kansas felt himself morphing into an adult more suddenly than he liked. Perhaps he'd spent his teenage years too lost in his childishness, and his mistake with Lucifer and Naniko had propelled him forward so quickly. "Growing up" didn't bother him too terribly, but there did seem to be a lot for him to have to deal with all at once. That was what was... disappointing. He had a mate, and probably children soon, so his days of relative carelessness were now long over. He would have liked to think with the mind of an innocent child, but that had become far from possible.

Kansas honestly associated scars with trouble. He didn't know why this was -- perhaps his books had put the idea in his head. Scarred faces belonged to criminals, didn't they? He was thus caught off guard when Jefferson called himself the leader of Phoenix Valley. The bright blue eyes widened just slightly, but he otherwise kept his suprise to himself. "Well... of course you would, then." Despite his undecided opinion of the man, Kansas gave a smile. A few seconds of silence passed. "I don't like to ask this," he said softly, with seriousness, chewing his lip. "But... Would you... mind telling my mother I was here?"


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