Strangers now and strangers then

Out of Character

I dunno if Mew remembers Kol, but Kol remembers Mew. XD She only met her briefly I think, and only during the DDM/Inferni battles and such. Oh yeah, and Cer's homecoming. And I'm assuming it's ok for it to be night? ^^

Word Count: 429

In Character

It was a rare night indeed. Darkness crept across the lands of Dahlia despite the lack of clouds in the sky, for the moon was hidden by the shadow of the earth tonight. Of course, in Stormbringer Lor, this meant that the Packmother had devoured the moon, and would slowly release the disc from her powerful jaws over the next cycle. It was how it had always been, since time unremembered. It was on this night of each cycle that the Stormbringers felt the most alive. Most would argue that energy came from the moonlight, and they would be right for the most part. But Kol's family found excitement and power in the shadows, and a moonless night let shadows roam free.

The young girl had chosen to stay in her optime form for the time being, another rare occurance. Kol normally preferred her smaller, sleeker wolf form to the powerful battle stance, but she'd needed the dexterity of her optime hands earlier in the evening. Growing up amongst her clan, shifting and movement in each form were second nature to the girl, and a fleeting thought passed as to how difficult her friend Alexey must be finding the adjustment, now that she too was a Luperci. Kol had seen newly changed wolves struggle with balance and poise in their hulking bipedal bodies, and she always felt relieved she'd never truly had that awkward learning stage.

Despite her size, the Bluet moved quietly and swiftly through the wood as she made her way toward the Harbor. There was no reason for her destination, other than a desire to sit by the waterside and relax through the night. Just in case, she carried on her back her leather satchel, carrying no longer her old sketchbook but various stones, beads, feathers, and other jewelry items she'd found in her wanderings during the day. It had been months since the girl had set her fingers to anything other than destruction, and the desire to create was slowly returning now that she was back home. Plans and ideas raced through Kol's head as she walked, and she nearly collided head-first with a white ghost that for all intents and purposes had suddenly appeared out of nowhere. The Stormbringer sidestepped at the last possible second, spinning and grasping at a tree to keep herself standing. "Crap I'm sorry! I didn't see you!" Of course the irony of not seeing a huge stark white werewolf in the middle of a pitch black night failed to sink in until her words were out of her mouth.

Table by Fishie!


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