Leave Now and Never Come Back
300+ Yeppppps!

He loved her startled look. He loved that he could still scare her. He loved that even after all this time, she still was in his grasp to some extent. This was likely to change though. In fact, he actually hoped she would. He had taken something from her, yet all she was able to do was to cower. She had once loved him, and he had of course also loved her, though in his own way. She was his daughter, his own flesh and blood, but it had ended the day he had forced his way inside her and shattered her world. What did she want from him? He had nothing to offer, no apologies to make, no reassurances that everything was okay and that she was safe. They would never be father and daughter again. He would keep her safe though, because she bore the title of Dahlia de Mai. Sadly, that was the only reason. He did not believe he ever could manage to force forth any affection for her. Together with her hopes and dreams, her father had died when everything went wrong. Such a small part of him. Haku was not cut out to be a father, especially not a single one.

She seemed surprised at his words, but perhaps he actually had changed somewhat to the better since he came here. His threat concerning his two youngest sons had been a test, though she had not passed it as well as he had hoped. He could ask for nothing, but he would trust that what he had said would stick to her mind and set her in motion to attempt to keep the children safe from him. He hoped she would. He did not intend to let his world be limited even more by two little snots. He kept his silence until she nodded and looked away. Then he slowly removed his paws from her chest. "Good. Welcome to Dahlia de Mai, Coli." It was over. He went back the same way that he had come chasing after her. He was surprised how well this had gone. Part of him had wished for hell to break loose, but it was best for both that it had not. His thoughts circled around the future. Dahlia de Mai was a very interesting pack to live in, that was for sure.


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