No stranger to the game
My turn, yes? WC:300+

It was a pleasant surprise when his brother-in-law came to join their growing little group. Ehno never really had the chance to spend much time with the cream colored male, so he was glad that Kansas happened to join them. He wanted to maybe get to now the man a little more himself, but he was certain he would find him to be good-natured and kind, for he knew Savina saw him that way. The Marino boy gave a nod to the Sadira in greeting, smiling kindly at him. “Good to see you, Kansas.” Ehno noticed the man lingered on the outskirts of their little gathering, but besides that, he did not sense the awkwardness that Kansas felt.

Ehno laughed good-naturedly as Jazz threw a joke right back at him. He shrugged slightly at the tease, feeling a little embarrassed about his recent position in the ranks, but not showing it. “Yeah, yeah,” was his response, a grin on his features. And then Jazz informed them that he had some news, and Ehno’s ears perked up a bit in anticipation. As the news was delivered, he felt himself smile warmly. It looked like there would be more puppies roaming around Crimson Dreams in no time. “Wow, that’s great Jazz. Congrats.” Even with Naniko’s litter growing older it appeared that the pack would have its hands full keeping an eye on more young ones.

He brought his attention back over to Moose as he was addressed, nodding in response to his first question. “Yep. Savina’s one of the leaders here. She worked her way up the ranks to get there, even back when this pack was known as Twilight Vale.” As for why she was higher ranked, he shrugged. “Her and our other leader, Naniko, have always worked hard for the sake of the pack. I’d say she deserves it more than me.” He laughed a little at that, ears pulling back in slight embarrassment. He was proud of his sister; she had worked hard and done so much for the pack. She definitely deserved the position. And honestly, he wasn’t ashamed at all to be beneath her in the ranks. Ehno wasn’t really Mr. Big-Strong-Leader-Male. Whatever position he held he was fine with, for as long as he could protect his pack mates, he was happy.

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