missed that exit sixty miles ago.

----------faster, faster.. the lights are turnin' red

Oddly enough, her adopted father Gale had also had red eyes--yet another trick that perpetuated the illusion of a perfect, normal family. It was still somewhat hard for her to see any difference, but seeing Anselm side by side with Gale revealed that Anselm's eyes were definitely a couple of shades darker, not unlike her own. She could still remember Bran, one of the pack leaders, making a casual comment on the situation once Anselm showed up. It wasn't as if he would lie; there was no motivation to, obviously.
Much to her surprise, it seemed as though Savina was already well acquainted with her half-sister. The dark lady's kind words were reassuring to Maserati--her whole life, she'd had relatively little feminine influence. Her adopted mother was the only female in the "pack" that otherwise consisted of her brother, Gale, Bran, her uncle Ross, and later Boomer. They were a tight knit group and readily took in weary travellers, but the drifters always moved on and she never got to know any of them too well.
For some reason, the mention of a niece sent Maz's head spinning. It was like she'd gone from having a small family with Gale, to having "no" family at all but a stranger named Anselm, to all of a sudden having an intricate network of undiscovered relations. Perhaps, for the first time, she understood a little of why Anselm wanted to keep searching. Wow, she murmured softly. It's so strange to me--it used to just be me and my brother and our small family, and now there's the possibility of so much more. She desperately wished to ask the older girl how she was supposed to feel about it--but by then, Savina was moving on, and in her heart she knew the best person to ask was probably Ryan. She already knew how her brother felt about it, but she wasn't sure how to take his reaction. It was a very strong one, and she knew enough to see that the best course of action or thought was usually the middle ground and not some extreme.
At the mention of joining Inferni's ranks, she shook her head slightly. Aw, while I certainly appreciate the offer, mate, Oi'm not really lookin' to join up anywhere around here. My heart'll always belong back home, she resolved, and instantly felt better for having said so. I think Oi might check out the city you mentioned, though. Maybe'll find a car to fix up before I go back home... and I'd love to come visit yeh while I work on it. Maybe something else would come up that would keep her around even longer, but for now she had little intention of staying away from Gale and her family for very long.

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