WARNING: product contains trace amounts of lead.
Dampwoods--Musquodoboit Valley. Private for Lubomir. (:

----------faster, faster.. the lights are turnin' red

Perhaps the decorative skulls had gotten to her more than she'd like to admit. Following Savina's instructions, she'd found her way back to Inferni relatively easily within two days. While this was her goal and things should have been fine and dandy, she couldn't help but be a little put off by what was basically the antithesis of a welcome mat. What the hell kind of folks had her biological father run with?? Although Maserati was relatively tiny and had several coyote-like mannerisms, it was true that she would never understand the extent of discrimination and natural prejudice that existed between the two groups. She found herself desperately craving Anselm's perspective (or rationalisation, whichever) on this, but alas--he was hundreds of miles away.
Once she'd decided to back down from her task for the day, she decided it was best to stay in the same general area. If she wondered too far, she might not consider the option of going back too seriously... and for whatever damned reason, she felt some sort of obligation to deliver Anselm's messages. It wasn't because they were related (he certainly seemed to feel no sense of obligation toward her, so why should she put in all the effort if it weren't to be reciprocated?), but more along the lines of she wasn't the sort to back away from her promises. This was a favour to a stranger, essentially--and Gale had seemed to think it important that she do this. Fine.
She watched absently as Charger charged ahead of her; his waddling gait was always somewhat comical to the girl. All of a sudden he jumped onto some platform--what was this? Her eyes widened as she saw the entire scene before her for the first time. A tractor! Excited, she trotted over quickly, but she was soon met by disappointment. It was rusted, one of the wheels was completely missing, and it looked like it had made its last run years ago. A look of disappointment crept across her face, but interest returned as she spotted a large building not far off in the distance. Intrigued, she began to walk closer, gradually shifting as she went. By the time that she reached the door, she could stand on two legs. Opening it up, she stepped inside to be greeted by the wafting scent of musky sawdust.

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