WARNING: product contains trace amounts of lead.

----------faster, faster.. the lights are turnin' red

Once her eyes had adjusted to the light, she had stepped further inside. The sight that greeted her was exciting--dead machines fixed with gears twice her size, a plethora of lumber... for Maserati, this was like hitting a gold mine. Eagerly she ascended some stairs to the catwalks. Charger scampered on ahead of her, leaping nimbly from one banister to the next, apparently as intrigued by the strange place as she was. She spotted an office of sorts in the distance and gradually made her way towards it.
Trying the handle, she was disappointed to find that it was locked. Drat! There appeared to be no other entrances, but there was a small window on the door. Taking off her satchel, she opened it up and unceremoniously dumped the contents into a small pile at the door. Placing her elbow inside, she inhaled deeply and thrust it forward on the exhale. The glass shattered just as she heard a strange male voice sounding from the direction from which she came. Her ears fell back, and for a moment, she wasn't even sure if she'd heard anything at all, or if her mind was playing tricks on her.
Crouching down low, she shook the glass shards off of her bag and hastily replaced its original contents. Standing up, ears pressed forward, she squinted in the direction of the door. Uuuuh.... 'ello?! she called quickly, wincing somewhat as her accented voice echoed off of the dusty walls. Charger, who'd been elsewhere, now reappeared by her side, head tipped curiously to the left. Maz's eyes drifted to the window--there was now enough room for her to snake her hand through to open the door, but she wasn't sure if she ought to corner herself in the office just yet. If someone else really was there and they were hostile, she'd need an escape route!

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