WARNING: product contains trace amounts of lead.
-Fails even worse!!- =( Just so you know, though, Maz is only like 10% coyote. ^^ She's mostly wolf, just on the tinier side. (: Slight powerplay, let me know if you want it changed :o

----------faster, faster.. the lights are turnin' red

She shook her head dismissively. 's no matter! Can't say Oi've heard of any of the packs 'round here m'self, other than the one Oi was told to deliver some messages to, she admitted. Hell, she was barely aware of the packs neighbouring the Outpost. There were two or three but they were separated by at least a dozen miles and interactions between the groups were pretty rare. Presumably Gale (or Bran or Ross or all three) had gone to meet with the leaders of those neighbouring packs at some point, but if they had, she hadn't heard much about it. They were all really out in the sticks and had enough self-contained resources such that any conflicts were extremely unlikely. Up until this point in her life, she'd never really seen a need to venture much past her own pack's borders. Why should she bother? There was plenty of food and water, not to mention good company and plenty of projects to work on. Perhaps the same sights had gotten a little old, though, as she'd been willing enough to embark on her journey here.
Ah, so yeh are a carpenter too? she inquired with polite curiosity. The 'too' may have just as easily referred to himself also being a librarian or to her own woodworking skills. Her birth pack had been big on skilled trade; she herself had quite a bit of experience working with various hand tools and crafting useful structures and furniture out of disjointed planks and scattered nails. It was a beautiful process, she thought--to turn chaos into order, to craft something of use from rubbish. Still, it wasn't her favourite: there wasn't enough challenge in it. She'd always been much more interested in her uncle's mechanical projects, as these were more complicated (and therefore rewarding upon completion). The humans had indeed followed a certain kind of logic in their creations and it was rather delightful to dissect them and harness their true power and capability.
Her tail swung slightly as he joined her and she turned and began to walk lightly in the direction of the office. Charger took to the railing once more, keeping pace with the two wolves as they moved. Not much 'n particular, mate, just anything useful or interesting, she replied with a light shrug. Once she reached the door, she carefully manoeuvred her hand through the hole in the glass and the lock clicked open on the other side. Extracting her hand from the jagged opening, she now depressed the handle and the door inched opened with little protest (other than a soft creak from so many years of no use). With a quick wink to Lubomir, she thrust open the door completely and stepped inside, blinking as it was dimmer still within the confined room. Fishing around in her bag, she quickly located a flashlight--the sort with a built in generator and no need for batteries. Oh, how delighted she'd been when she'd found that one! Shaking it several times, she clicked it on and a soft white light illuminated one corner of the room.

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