that was when i ruled the world

OOC: Takes place in Berwick 300+

The grey male had taken to spending more and more time bringing the library in Wolfville back to life. Now that he and Mew had finally settled their feelings for each other, he found he had new purpose in his life. He could concentrate on making the building a centre for Dahlia's culture. He had aired the main reading rooms, his coat covered in the dust of the place. From there he had torn down the decaying curtains and burned them. The work was hard and most nights he would collapse by Mew's side, slumbering deeply until the next morning. But to see the results of such intense labour brought a smile to his face and so Lubomir kept working with fever-pitch excitement, looking forward to the day he would be able to call the pack and show them.

The day was cloudy, but that would hardly deter him from his task. This time he was in Berwick, looking for more human tools. An axe and spade, to start. Then, perhaps, something to gather dust with. A stepladder he'd found already in the attic of the library and he used it to arrange the books. Lubomir wondered if he should seek anyone help in the matter. While it would certainly help him to do so, he wasn't sure if anyone but Mew cared about the place. Haku he did not want to face, especially after their brawl, and Cercelee might be busy with other things. He recalled the strangely marked female from the hunt, and for a moment, he thought of seeing her and asking if she would be interested in restoring the library. With a shake of his head and a bitter smile, Lubomir assured himself that he was probably alone in this one. Pushing against a door, he entered a garden shed and started looking for an axe.


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