I can't force these eyes to see the end

He inhaled deeply and released. She made herself comfortable, perfectly content with the way things had turned out for her--a warm room, safety, protection, aid. The pup was too young to realize what the danger in losing a parent was, especially if they planned to grow up happily somehow. He'd seen it first hand: children never grew up truly happy without their parents there for them. What if her mother never returned? Surely she could stay in Phoenix Valley, he had no problem with that, but who would take care of her? Iskata wouldn't, that was for sure. DaVinci had his own kids, and besides that, he'd lost Zana to Inferni somehow. Some parent he'd turned out to be. He couldn't trust Pendzez with a child, nor Allegro. He still hardly even knew who Pepe was. Who was left?

Himself? No. He couldn't do it.

"Phoenix Valley," he said quietly, eye lost to the fire. His thoughts wandered unsaid, meandered. He recalled how precious Zana had been to him the first time he'd picked her up, how he'd mused that it would be impossible for him to father children. He didn't have the capacity, nor the capability. He was a one-eyed monster. He'd only turn them into monsters just like himself. "This is my home, Addi... it's very far from yours." I don't know how you'll get back, he wanted to add. There was no way for him to bring her back... he had responsibilities here. He couldn't throw that all away now, even if he'd wanted to so badly at first. "Your mom might not find you this time," he added hesitantly. She needed to figure that out eventually.


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