white on white on black
Iskata had been out roaming the lands in the light snow. It didn't bother her like it probably should have, she was blind and there was nothing for her to worry over as she trudged along the border of their lands. Jefferson and DaVinci probably thought her a fool but she was finally getting back into touch with the real world and she wasn't going to stop now. She had somehow found a way to be mended without the touch of another or dream weavings of a future goal she could aspire to. She was physically broken still but mentally she'd found healing through the everyday lives of the others of her pack as she watched them spinning by with or without knowledge that she was even there. She smiled slightly at the thought as she wandered the edge of the lands quietly.

The cold of the winter didn't seem to touch her skin. One would have thought spending the winter by the heat of the fire would have made the woman soft but her pelt was just as thick as ever and the winds and snow didn't bother her none. The dull ache along her hip and down her hindleg was another story as she slowly plowed along the lands, rescenting the borders as she would have when once she was the leader. Now she was just an elder member with no duties or responsiblities. She'd grown tired of being brought food and sitting by the glowing embers of the fire. She needed to be out and about and walking the clearly marked borders were little problem for the woman, unless strangers happened upon her, but that had yet to happen.

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