my heart is as cold as the clouds of your breath
They don't tell you what to say
when your whole life has gone to hell.

"Hmm," Ryan hummed, taking a moment to take it all in. She was thrilled that she had a sister and that there was a possibility of there being even more. Of course she would have preferred a more common union between her mother and father, but who wouldn’t? She took what she could get, she supposed. Now that both her parents had gone and things were rocky with DaVinci, Ryan only had Valkyrie to hold onto. She wondered if because Maz was a messenger, if she would be returning to wherever she came from. Ryan hoped that maybe she would stick around for awhile and she could get to know the sister she had never had.

"Well I’m glad that he’s alright. I was surprised when I finally realized he wasn’t around anymore. It was strange – no word or anything. But he's alright, so then I guess it doesn’t matter. And a sister!" She beamed, looking towards Maserati if perhaps she had known her all her life. "Wow. Do you plan to stay around here for awhile, or are you heading home?" Wherever home was for her.


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