Watch the Clouds Drifting Away...
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Sorry for the wait on this hun, I honestly thought that I had already replied.

pushitinThe ebony lady was not often impatient, she would happily lay in wait for her prey to approach, she could wait for her son and daughter to return to the lands, as she wished they would, she could wait and allow time for her eldest boy to heal, to feel better, to forgive himself. And she had waited for a long time to see Deuce, but at this moment in time Soran found herself restless, the anticipation of seeing her again made her less and less patient with each passing moment. She just wanted to see her again, to hold her in her arms, even just to be near her and smell her scent, to know that she was alright, to feel that the world was right for just a little while. She did not know why it happened, but when she was near her former mate all the troubles in her world just faded away, she found herself lost in her love's presence, the troubling thoughts of her children, two lost in the world and one lost in his own head, broken and half mad, faded away, they allowed themselves to be pushed from her mind, along with the thoughts of her youngest son, the son that died by her own hands, literally. It was a nice thing, her lady's calming aura always soothed her, relaxed her.

pushitinThis was why Soran's heart fell as an unfamiliar wolf came into view, that was not her Deuce, no, the pelt was too strawberry coloured, the walk all wrong, it could almost have been Dierdre that was stepping into view, but it was not, as the fae approached Soran was sure that she did know this fae. Although the dark lady had no issue with meeting new people, her heart was filled with worry, where was Deuce? Why hadn't she come to see her? Was she ill? Was she uninterested in Soran's presence? Had she found someone new? Disappointment rested heavily upon her now, a weight in her chest, why had the female that greeted her not been the slender alabaster fae with the bi-coloured eyes? Not that she was not happy to see a new wolf, to make a potential new friend, but still, she had been waiting to see her pale former lover for what seemed like an eternity and she couldn't help but feel let down by her ex-mate not appearing to greet her.
pushitinThe strawberyy fae came closer into view and Soran carefully fixed a smile upon her face, not wanting to appear rude, yes she was upset that her pale lady had not come to find her upon hearing her howl, but that was no need to be rude to the kindly wolf who had come to greet her. Besides, perhap she was here to greet her and lead her to Deuce, or had a message from her, another fanciful dream the ebony fae feared. The younger wolf sat before Soran and spoke. The lady narrowed her eyes for a moment, trying to remember what the language she had just used was called, she knew that she had read a book or two with mentions of it before, she had even attempted to read a book solely in the language, but there were only a few words that she could pick out. Bonjour she knew though, it was hello in this language. The lady wracked her brains again, oh yes, the language was called French.
"Hello to you miss, I am Soran.” The lady said politely , fighting the urge to ask where Deuce was immediately. Her smile remained constant, despite being a little strained.

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