if tomorrow never comes

Whinnie smiled at his words, breaking the stern cast of her face. He was right she didn't know who this women had been or her motives, but with each thing he told her she was starting to. With out bluntly asking about the women she was still getting a reveiw on who she was. Fred had never said she wasn't looking for imformation. Nodding she responded. "Oui monsieur I will not. Now I know." Her smile had faded and she watched him with calculating azure and ivory eyes. Peice by Peice she was putting this story together.

His words could have been found offensive, but Fred nodded her head as she followed him. Monsieur Jefferson hadn't proved the most cheerful or benevolant character she had ever met. Then again there seemed to be more there then just his sour additude. DaVinci seemed to be tiring of her company from the way he walked away from her and spoke. The strawberry french women had no intentions of leaving. She wanted to know somethings about her new pack and she was going to know them. As ambassador she wanted to learn about these people.

When he stopped finally at the border of the Valley he commented on her french and Fred made a face looking in the other direction. "I am sorry if I am bothering you Monsieur. I only thought you wouldn't mind company." She smirked slightly, whistfully. "If you wish for moi to leave I will." Fred paused again as she watched him eye to eye. "I want to understand this pack, and Monsieur Jefferson and me don't seem to be amicable together so I thought to hear it from you."


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