Can you forgive me for trying again?
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Oh I see... fair enough then lol... as long as you're ok Smile I'm good, but ready to kill myself over this history essay it's stupidly hard work lol. Other than that I'm fine, have been having a nice time at college and wth friends. When's the bump due?

pushitinSoran was worried that her action of embracing the pale lady was wrong, after all she had a pup now, surely it belonged to her? It wouldn't surprise her, Deuce was one who was readily able to give her heart, perhaps she had given it to someone else and had a pup with them, the idea that her former mate had found someone new to love killed the lady, she had truly missed her chance then, missed her opportunity to be happy with the last wolf she could remember being happy with. But then the lady wrapped her arms around her and nuzzled into her neck, suddenly the world was right again, perhaps this embrace was only friendly, a rememberance of what they had had, but Soran didn't care, at the moment she would take any affection from Deuce that she could get, even if it was just this. Soran needed her. The lady reached up, keeping one arm wrapped tightly around Deuce's waist, and gently brushed some of her ex-lover's mane from out of her eyes, staring deeply into the bi-coloured orbs. Her lady was still so beautiful, she knew that the pair of them had indeed aged, but at that moment it was like they were the young lovers again, Deuce was still so beautiful that it made the ebony grandmother's heart ache just to look at her.

pushitinThe pale lady spok and Soran's heart throbbed for a moment, she had missed her, thank the gods for that, Deuce had missed her as well, she hadn't forgotten her ebony once-lover. The dark fae nuzzled her face against Deuce's shoulder, inhaling her scent for a moment, allowing herself to breath, to compose herself before she dared speak, not able to trust herself for a moment, not wanting to spill her heart, tell Deuce how much she had missed her in one rushed barrage.
"I've missed you so much as well Deuce, I cannot explain how much, I was so scared that I had lost you when I went to Phoenix Valley and you weren't there. It's so good to see you again.” She spoke, before catching the hand that her former lover was using to stroke her mane and holding it still, turning her head to kiss the pale palm gently.
"I have been well thank you, living in Crimson Dreams, it's been magical spending time with Conri's children, you'd love them Deuce, they're such wonderful pups. How have you been? Why are you here?" Soran finally replied to the question when she had finished showering Deuce's palm with small kisses. Finally releasing Deuce's hand again she moved to touch her cheek gently, perfectly happy just standing with her former lover, her problems seemed to melt away for just a moment.
"Well hello there little one, who're you?" Soran finally realised that the pup was still pushing against Deuce's legs, and her attention fell on to the small animal, though her eyes barely strayed from Deuce's face, she glanced down for a moment and then back up at her former mate.

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