if it means a lot to you
They don't tell you what to say
when your whole life has gone to hell.

The sky was beginning to lighten slightly, yet the sun still hadn’t risen over the horizon. There was a sense of anticipation that Ryan had never felt before. Perhaps it was because she was going to share this experience with her daughter, and it was something the little girl had yet to experience. It was such a gorgeous sight, and Ryan hoped to fill the Inferni’s girl head with all the beauties of the world before she grew older and discovered that the world also held many dark and ugly things.

She began to feel at ease, as if the beauty of the area was seeping into her bones. She hugged Valkyrie closer to her, and felt the little girl wiggle in anticipation. Ryan silently wished that maybe DaVinci could have been there too; all three as a family they would never be.

The voice that permeated the air sent a chill down her spine. Though she didn’t recognize it at the moment, she knew it couldn’t be someone from Inferni. There was a scent on the wind that was not from home. Instead, Ryan sent her crimson gaze searching and located the owner of the call. A wolf, of course. She hugged Valkyrie closer, studying the silhouette in the darkness. Without the sun above the horizon, it was hard to make out many details. Though the call wasn’t threatening, Ryan wouldn’t let her guard up just yet. "Good morning," she called back, curious to see what would occur next. Valkyrie squirmed beneath Ryan’s hug, whining, "Mumma!", and Ryan realized now that perhaps her grip had become slightly hermetic.


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