I am your heavy eyelids
This regards the murder! For Onus, rahrahrah. Big Grin Backdated to Feb 1. Location: The Trenches.

He had been guarding the lighthouse ever since. He did not know how long "ever since" was, or how long he had been here, but it had become his duty. He had a purpose now, a purpose in life that would guide him until he found the truth. It might sound poetic to anyone who had not experienced such a thing before, but to Barthélémy, it was simply pure fact. He would remain here, watching over the rotting corpses and the maggot-infested wounds until he -- or someone else -- could find the answer.

Barthélémy would not waver in his resolve. Nothing could make him move -- unless such a "nothing" included spiders. He hated spiders. Barthélémy shivered at the mere thought, then frowned, clenching his jaw tightly. No, he could not, would not, budge. He would keep his eye on the bodies, however many of them there were, and make sure no one interfered with them. If someone thought he had killed them, so be it. It would not matter in the end anyways, because he would find out the truth. He would find the person who had left them in such a sorry state, with guts trailing across the floor, legs ripped entirely out of bodies and piled in a corner. There was blood everywhere, on almost every surface. Even now, as he stared through the doorway into the room, he felt nothing but a quiet calmness. He tilted his head, letting his eyes drift across the planes of the room once more. He would find the murderer.


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