
cakeShe stood as she spoke, and Bane felt something there, in the pit of his stomach, in the back of his mind. It was more than the instinct, it was more than mere lust; looking at her was almost the equivalent of looking in a mirror, and tht strange moment of lucidity only drove him further into the depths of whatever he was sinking into. Bane didn't pretend to understand things he knew he wasn't meant to. It was written, and he was no prophet. Instead, he smiled (still) and his eyes burned ice-cold when he replied.

cake"I can see," he told her, and he put emphasis on the final word without realising he was doing so. And then he was speaking quickly, as if the words were all struggling to escape him at once, as if these things had been on his mind for altogether too long. "I can see the world, Miss Aurèle, I've been told things that were never meant for mortal ears, things that drive men mad, things that exist in depths so far and so terrible that I cannot begin to fathom them, no matter how I try, no matter how long I lie awake," and he knew he had been chosen but why, why he didn't yet know. "I'm going to live forever." That strange smile there still, Bane spoke with the conviction of a man who wasn't looking for confirmation. This was something he knew. He moved forward towards her, gaze glued to her face. "Your eyes are beautiful." So had the blackbird. So had Liz. Eyes had always captured him.


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