[leader] flickering lights .j.

o Character Name: Asphyxia Holocaust
o Character Birthdate (including year): January 31st, 2003

o Whether s/he is a regular wolf or a Luperci: Luperci
o Your e-mail: craken_04@yahoo.com
o secondary form of contact (AIM, MSN, Y!M): AIM – x x halo 43

Lord, how it seemed she’d been traveling forever. Her legs were sore and while she’d taken frequent stops along the way to rest her aging body, Asphyxia Holocaust felt that if she did not get to stop somewhere permanent soon, she’d die. Her body had grown accustomed to alcohol in the system and plenty of staying in the same place. What is was not used to was hundreds of miles of traveling while being sober at the same time, and she almost laughed when she thought of how outrageous and random her return to Bleeding Souls was. It seemed to her that she had been cursed with a case of lacking satisfaction, unable to be happy with where she was for too long. Hopefully that would change now and she could remain permanently in ‘Souls.

She’d left a note for Naloxone, telling him exactly where she was going and she was almost sure that he would follow. But now, she’d have to get accepted somewhere, or else this entire damn trip would have been a waste. She was pulled now to the coast, where the coyote pack of Inferni resided, the only place she could belong to now. Her red eyes searched the area as she neared, more eager than ever to get this tedious process over with so she could go find a hole somewhere and sleep, something it seemed she hadn’t really done in weeks.

Asphyxia reached the borders, running a hand through her graying hair, stopping now to await the arrival of another. She distinctly remembered having two children now, Hybrid was the one with her last name, but the other escaped her. The female who had run away when she’d thought Asphyxia to be dead. Lord, what was her name? He wondered if they were here, and she hoped they were. Because she wanted to apologize to them, she wanted them to forgive her, she wanted to remember.


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