crooked spoons

The sun was just beginning to appear over the horizon. Kansas had always been amazed by how quickly the sun rose; it seemed like he could look away for just a moment and the sun would already be much higher in the sky. He'd been curious about the sun since his childhood; what made it come and go, where it went when it was dark outside. Why it was cold in the winter even when the sun was out. He understood most of these things now, with the books he'd read, and the things he'd been taught by his parents and others around him. But there were still always questions.

He'd finally begun to wake up at his usual early time; Savina was still asleep in their room. Since Mati's visit last week, Kansas had been thinking a lot more about what it would be like to have his own puppies. The idea was as frightening as it was exciting. Now, sitting on the porch with his Shakespeare book in his lap, he watched the sunrise, but his mind was somewhere else. When he thought it was light enough to read, Kansas opened the book, turned to the page he'd dog-eared and found his place in The Taming of the Shrew. Perhaps it would help him relax.


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