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I ♥ Alli. 500+

There had been a commotion a few rooms away, but Geneva hadn't noticed at all. Instead, she was trapped within the depths of her mind. Memories tangled, twisting together until they blurred into one image. She had her fists pressed tightly against her eyelids, and the vision swimming there was one of Jordan's face. His yellow eyes were bright and flat like coins as his white teeth flashed against the darkness of his coat. I need you to... The words formed on his lips but never reached her ears.

And she never would know what he had said. She would never know what he needed. She felt as though she had failed him all over again. It seemed that in life and in death, she was always just shy of giving him what he needed. She trembled at the precipice, her ears unconsciously quivering as if to capture that last word that would never come from his non-existent mouth.

If Jordan had asked for the moon, she would have found a way to claw it out of the sky. She wanted to know that he was happy, and that the last real moments they had shared on earth wouldn't be their last. She recalled the last time she had seen him, his hands wasted and fragile, his face withered, and his eyes over-bright. She had clutched his hands in her own, feeling as though the bones beneath his skin would crumble to dust if she held on too tightly. And he had muttered those same words in a rasping voice as his lungs rattled in the gasp before death. "I need you to..."

Not knowing what he needed drove her to a dark place. She would have given him anything at that moment. She would have given her own life, her breath, every ounce of her being to carry out whatever he needed or wanted. And although the months had passed, and she had begun to heal, there was no peace for her with the mystery hovering overhead like dark clouds.

She felt a hand curl around her wrist. With a desperate strength, she rotated her wrist and clamped her own hand over the other's wrist. She held on with a quiet desperation, her fingers curling in against the flesh to hold that creature to her. It felt warm, solid in her hand. Stricken lime green eyes rose to meet orbs of blue as she realized that the wrist beneath her fingers had a pulse, a life beat signaling the blood coursing through her veins.

She felt her heartbeat rising in her head to answer that call. She realized that Anu was there, an anchor amidst the wash of sorrow. She realized that Anu was covered in blood and water, but she didn't care. She lurched forward, wrapping her arms around Anu's middle and burying her face in the crook between her neck and shoulder. And she felt her heartbeat where she held her.

"I need you..." the strains of his last belabored breath still whispered through her mind. But this time, he continued, a wheezing, desperate whisper filled with such love she felt her heart would break. " live."

"I will," she gasped, whispering through her tears. "I will. I promise." She clung to her friend, spilling her tears against her shoulder.

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