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Arms held her. Her chest would have engulfed Geneva’s their hearts melting into one, their sorrow meshing and weaving until neither knew why they cried. Until there was no more pain at all, and until it there was nothing left, but one beating heart, pumping and pushing their live blood to all the corners of their being. A single, solitary, whole heart.

Anu was left, watching as the other female broke away. Still a hand had reached into her chest, holding onto the heart that beat so furiously behind her ribcage. Even as she walked away, its fingers cradled what Anu held within. Eyes didn’t follow, unsure where Geneva was going but sure that it had ended. Once she had hope, prayed that the end would be near. That the notion of her name, her sent that mere thought of her delicate wrist didn’t make her want to fall to the ground in give up breathing. But it didn’t, Anu couldn’t help, but looked back. Seeing Geneva only looking in the hallway mirror.

The female returned to stand before her, looking over Anu as Anu looked over her. Her face was damp, the fur of it slicked oddly and matted to her cheek bones. The were delicate, more so then Anu had ever noticed. She was beautiful. Anu stood, though her legs were weak as Geneva spoke, feeling the pain that radiated from her. She knew the love that was felt, feeling it too. It was so different, alive pulsing through her so wildly that she didn’t know how to describe it. It wasn’t Naniko, it wasn’t the children it wasn’t the sun or anything else that Anu had believed she loved. It was Geneva. It scared her, sent chills down her spine and made her heart oddly calm and quiet, but at the same time untamed and fierce.

Eyes met her as she rose. Wanting to reach out to her, Anu reframed. Until that moment, Geneva had been the one to draw the line in the sand. Now she tried. Standing still, Anu felt the shaking of her hand. Clenching her fingers into a fist she lowered her face to the ground. Thinking of all things that Geneva believed she was, Anu shook her head. She was nothing. Not when she thought back to all the things that happened, all the feelings that ran through her without even trying to stop them.

She was nothing.

Geneva was everything

The last three words made Anu look back. She oddly understood, how time could help and how it would smother the fire. It would be ashes, black soot with a small stream of smoke billowing from the colorless embers. You... Her voice cracked, stopping her from finishing. She swallowed, and breathed until her voice returned. I’ll give you anything. Her voice was low, filled with tears that had crept up on her. Blinking them away, knowing that she had to be the strong one Anu missed how strong Geneva always had been. She looked at the eyes that were glazed with the tears of her passed mate. Anu didn’t want to hurt her, and it was more the hell at the thought that she did.

I’ll go. Anu spoke again, her voice growing stronger. Her head screamed, pounding as harshly as her heart did. The fingers that held it kept it form ripping through its cage. And, and stay away, if you want me to. Her words were an offering, pure and full of the solemn feeling that Anu held. They were no threat, and nothing in them hinted towards it. Anu didn’t know what else to offer her. She would leave. Because she wasn’t any of those things that Geneva had said, she could go.

Just tell me what to do, because I never want to hurt you. It was suddenly the most important thing, the most important act. More then anything. Nothing mattered, nothing but Geneva’s heart, and the pain that it was holding had her name written on it. It was wrong that Anu could ever do such a thing. But she wouldnt, wouldnt take a step unless pushed.



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